Spring Updates – The Wave – May 2024

  We have some exciting projects and customer care updates to share with you this month. Despite a few late season flurries, the Saint’s Baseball season has started, indicating that buildings are transitioning… more ›

Welcome Cooling Season – The Wave – May 2023

If there is anything that is predicable about Minnesota weather, it is its unpredictability. This spring we have had some extreme temperature changes that may have had your building calling for heating and… more ›

The Wave – April 2022

Welcome back to downtown! It is great to see more people walking around, dining at restaurants, and enjoying the great amenities that Saint Paul has to offer. The longer days and increased activity… more ›

The Wave – June 2021

Note from our Team Spring in Saint Paul is fantastic. As the weather warms, it’s great to get outside and safely enjoy some Saints baseball and lunch on a downtown patio. While we… more ›

The Wave – March 2021

Note from our Team We have some exciting news related to customer services to share with you. Before I get to that I would like to discuss the energy cost implications to our… more ›

The Wave – December 2020

Note from our Team As we head into the final weeks of 2020, I want to remind you that our team is here as a resource for your building’s heating and cooling operations.… more ›

The Wave – October 2020

Note from our Team Winter weather seems to have come early for Saint Paul this year. We have already had snow accumulation and freezing over-night lows. While this is early, many buildings in… more ›

The Wave – December 2019

Extra Care for Extreme Weather The heating season is well underway, and we want to help you prepare your operations for the extremely cold weather that is likely in the coming months. It… more ›