Connecting to District Energy will simplify your energy system. Heat exchangers will take the place of on-site boilers, chillers, water heaters, and cooling towers, minimizing moving parts and reducing maintenance tasks when compared to on-site energy production.

Heating, Domestic Hot Water, Snow Melt, & Process Heating

Hot water from District Energy can supply energy to your HVAC system and serve as your domestic hot water source, eliminating the need for an on-site boiler.

A sub-pavement snow melt system can heat sidewalks, stairs, streets, and parking ramps, eliminating the cost and effort of conventional snow removal. Snow melt preserves surfaces and building facades by avoiding the damage of the freeze and thaw of ice as well as salt and chemicals.

District Energy can provide your building with a range of options for process heating including:

  • Restaurant dishwashers
  • Hot tubs
  • Swimming pools
  • Snow melt sidewalks, stairs, parking ramps, and streets

Cooling & Process Cooling

Chilled water from District Energy can supply energy to your HVAC system, eliminating the need for an on-site chiller and cooling towers.

District Energy can provide your building with a range of options for process heating and cooling including:

  • Data center cooling
  • Restaurant compressor cooling of commercial coolers
  • Restaurant make up air for kitchens
  • Brewery compressor cooling for cooling of the wort
  • Brewery compressor cooling of the beer coolers