Saint Paul EcoDistrict Launch

Press Release “City, partners launch Saint Paul EcoDistrict”   Media Coverage and Promotion “St. Paul Highlights Science, Sustainability”, May 19, 2015 “St. Paul promotes its downtown ‘EcoDistrict’” Pioneer Press, May 14, 2015… more ›

100 Central High School Students Tour Saint Paul EcoDistrict

¬For immediate release: Contact: Nina Axelson Cell: 612.695.1288 Email: 100 Central High School Students Tour Saint Paul EcoDistrict  Saint Paul, MN (April 9, 2015) – 100 students from Saint Paul’s Central High… more ›

District Energy St. Paul Purchases Jemne Building

¬For immediate release CONTACT: Nina Axelson Cell: 612.695.1288 Email: District Energy St. Paul Purchases Jemne Building Saint Paul, MN (March 19, 2015) – For the last decade, District Energy St. Paul and… more ›

District Energy St. Paul Featured in UNEP Report

District Energy St. Paul has been featured as a key energy solution by the United Nations Environmental Program. The report “District Energy in Cities” (March 2015) highlights District Energy’s integration of renewable fuels,… more ›

Studies and Reports

The Energy Island Integration study examines specific opportunities for integration of energy islands – energy production facility and user group assets – while sharing the methodology and evaluation tools. Energy Island Integration Study… more ›