Beverly Jones Heydinger

Beverly Jones Heydinger

Beverly Jones Heydinger retired from her position as Chair of the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission in 2017, a position to which she was appointed by Governor Mark Dayton in 2012. During her tenure, she oversaw a wide range of proceedings, including rate cases, integrated resources plans, pipeline, transmission line, wind farm, and solar siting, and development and implementation of Minnesota’s solar programs.

She served as a state Administrative Law Judge from 1999-2012, following twenty years as an Assistant and Deputy Attorney General for Attorneys General Warren Spannaus and Hubert H. Humphrey III. Since November, 2018, she has assisted Attorney General Keith Ellison with his transition.

Beverly currently serves as chair of the board of YWCA St Paul, and is dedicated to its mission of Eliminating Racism; Empowering Women. She is a member of the Citizens Utility Board – Minnesota, and volunteers at Barack and Michelle Obama Elementary School. Beverly graduated from Carleton College and the University of Michigan Law School, grew up in New Hampshire, and has lived in St. Paul, Minnesota with her family since 1978.


Ken Smith

President and CEO

Andrew Kasid

Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

Michael Auger

Senior Vice President, Chief Business Officer

Mike Burns


Pam Sarne


Steve Rambeck

Director of Business Development

Jenae Batt

Director of Marketing and Public Relations

Tom Thomalla, Jr.

Information Systems

Board of Directors

Heidi Conrad

Heidi Conrad

Ken Peterson

Ken Peterson

Beverly Jones Heydinger

Beverly Jones Heydinger

Heide Kempf-Schwarze

Eric Krause

Kelly Lange

Tony Poole

Pat Wolf

Pat Wolf

Ken Smith

Ex Officio

Bill Buth

Bill Buth

Director Emeritus
George Fremder

George Fremder

Director Emeritus
Former Mayor, George Latimer

George Latimer

Director Emeritus
Robert Lowe

Robert Lowe

Director Emeritus
Barbara Lukermann

Barbara Lukermann

Director Emerita
Susan Sands

Susan Sands

Director Emerita
Bernard St. Peter

Bernard St. Peter

Director Emeritus
John Taylor

John Taylor