John Taylor

John Taylor


John Taylor was born and raised in Saint Paul and educated at the Cathedral Grade School, Cretin High School, and Saint John’s University. He spent most of his professional career in the downtown Saint Paul area as chief executive of the Hill Family and First Bank System foundations. A veteran of service to more than 100 boards, commissions, foundations, colleges, and cultural organizations, he brings with him a passion for public service, strong organizational planning, creativity, and innovation. Today he is an Associate Vice President of Institutional Advancement at his alma mater, Saint John’s University. In 1982, he was invited to join the District Energy board by its Chair, former Mayor George Latimer. He served on the District Energy and District Cooling boards for 18 years, including several years as board chair. John joined the Ever-Green Energy board in 2000 and was elected board chair in 2006.


Ken Smith

President and CEO

Andrew Kasid

Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

Michael Auger

Senior Vice President, Chief Business Officer

Mike Burns


Pam Sarne


Steve Rambeck

Director of Business Development

Jenae Batt

Director of Marketing and Public Relations

Tom Thomalla, Jr.

Information Systems

Board of Directors

Heidi Conrad

Heidi Conrad

Ken Peterson

Ken Peterson

Beverly Jones Heydinger

Beverly Jones Heydinger

Heide Kempf-Schwarze

Eric Krause

Kelly Lange

Tony Poole

Pat Wolf

Pat Wolf

Ken Smith

Ex Officio

Bill Buth

Bill Buth

Director Emeritus
George Fremder

George Fremder

Director Emeritus
Former Mayor, George Latimer

George Latimer

Director Emeritus
Robert Lowe

Robert Lowe

Director Emeritus
Barbara Lukermann

Barbara Lukermann

Director Emerita
Susan Sands

Susan Sands

Director Emerita
Bernard St. Peter

Bernard St. Peter

Director Emeritus
John Taylor

John Taylor